​FUT Hair Transplant Technique Overview

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Hair loss is not a painful health issue but it affects the psychology of a patient. People do not like experiencing hair thinning and hair loss due to the social belief that relates hair loss with impressiveness and beauty. Therefore, a lot of hair loss patients look for a trusted hair clinic in Indore for effective treatment. 

Most hair loss clinics recommend hair transplant surgery for hair loss treatment. Surgeons perform this surgical treatment with the help of two common techniques called follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplant. 

In follicular unit extraction or FUE technique, the surgeon pulls out the hair grafts directly from the donor area. 

In a follicular unit transplant, the surgeon removes a strip of skin from the back and sides of your head to harvest baldness-resistant hairs. In the next step, he inserts these hairs into the bald scalp. 

In this blog, we will tell you more about follicular unit transplant or FUT technique. 

The follicular unit transplant is also called strip surgery because of the involvement of a strip of skin. FUT technique is an older and traditional hair transplant technique that works effectively to restore the receding hairline because of male pattern baldness or genetic baldness. 

How do follicular unit transplants work? 

As mentioned above, the surgeon will cut a strip of tissues from the donor region of your scalp during the treatment. The size of the strip depends on the requirement of hair grafts to cover the bald region of the scalp. 

Healthy and baldness-resistant hairs are removed from the strip and inserted into the bald areas of the scalp. 

FUT surgery takes a shorter period of time in comparison with the FUE technique. Generally, patients are fully aware during the surgery since only local anesthesia is administered to numb the treated area of the scalp. 

The procedure of the FUT hair transplant technique

In the initial steps, the surgeon will re-draw your hairline, and determine the donor area. He will also take photographs for the medical record. Generally, the surgeon initiates the surgery with the administration of local anesthesia to numb the scalp. 

In the next step, the hair specialist in indore will trim the donor's hair to make the task of removal easier. He will pull out the strip of the skin according to the demand for hair grafts. In the next step, the surgeon will close the scalp with the help of sutures. 

Later, the surgeon will insert the hair grafts into the affected regions. 

The recovery period 

Since the surgeon removed a strip of skin from the donor region, the FUT technique may leave scarring marks in the donor area. These marks are visible and generally, patients do not wear a short haircut after the surgery. 

The surgeon will send the patient back with some instructions to ensure proper recovery after the treatment. You have to be in contact with the best hair transplant clinic in Indore to ensure proper results after the treatment. 



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