What Should You Know About Hair Loss Treatment?

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Hair loss is not physically painful. However, it is responsible to kill the self-esteem and confidence of hair loss patients. If you are one of those hair loss patients who are looking for a skilled hair doctor in Indore, you need to read this blog carefully. 

In this article, we are going to tell you some important things about hair loss treatment. 

Let us begin! 

Suppose you are facing hair loss, you have to know about the nature of this scalp issue. It can be temporary or permanent. 

There are several reasons that may cause temporary hair loss. These reasons include stress, improper hair care, scalp disease or infection, medications for certain diseases, pregnancy or menopause in women, seasonal effects on hair, overuse of hairstyles and products, etc. 

Permanent hair loss takes place due to genetic and hormonal reasons. Thus, your lifestyle is not responsible for permanent hair loss. If your genes have a code for male pattern baldness, you will face this disease sooner or later. 

Signs of hair loss 

It is not tough to detect hair loss. Severe hair thinning and loss of hair show clearly that the patient is experiencing hair loss. Permanent hair loss usually follows a pattern in which hair recedes gradually and hair loss takes place in the temporal region and crown area gradually. 

Females also face permanent hair loss or pattern baldness but the pattern is totally different in female patients. Women only face hair thinning in the entire scalp. They do not develop any bald areas on the scalp. 

The treatment approach for temporary hair loss 

Usually, temporary hair loss goes away if you remove the reason for hair loss. 

For example, if hair loss takes place due to stress, decrease the level of stress to treat hair loss. Similarly, stop medications if they are causing hair loss on the scalp. 

It is possible to take medicines like Minoxidil for the treatment of temporary hair loss. PRP treatment in Indore is also an effective choice for the treatment of hair loss. PRP is effective for the initial stages of permanent baldness as well. 

The treatment approach for permanent hair loss 

Permanent hair loss is treated with the help of hair transplant surgery. In this treatment, a surgeon removes the hairs from your own scalp and inserts them into the bald scalp. The donor region is generally the back and both sides of your scalp. 

According to experts, these donor areas grow baldness-resistant hairs. It means these will grow in the transplanted areas with proper strength and thickness. 

If you are in search of proper treatment for hair loss, you may visit the Marmm Klinik. This clinic will provide high-class treatment at an affordable hair transplant price in Indore. Moreover, this clinic ensures proper diagnosis and treatment with the help of advanced tools and techniques. 




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