Common Considerations After Hair Transplant Surgery

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Hair loss has two types. One of these types is temporary hair loss and another type is permanent. Permanent hair loss is also called genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness. This is a scalp issue that takes place due to your genes and hormones. This issue is called permanent since it kills the hair follicles forever to make a large area of the scalp bald. According to experts, a hair transplant in Indore is a permanent solution for male pattern baldness. 

If you choose a skilled and experienced hair loss doctor and follow his instructions, you will have satisfactory results after the surgery. 

Your surgeon will provide a number of instructions before the surgery. Similarly, the surgeon will have a set of instructions after the treatment as well. 

These instructions will determine your daily routine during the recovery period. The first two or three weeks after the treatment are extremely crucial for hair growth in the transplanted area. 

The treated area will show good results if you spend your time just according to the aftercare plan determined by the surgeon. 

Generally, your top hair doctor in Indore will consider the following instructions after the surgery:

Hair care after the surgery:

You have to look after the transplanted hair effectively after the treatment to get satisfactory hair growth. Do not touch the treated area unnecessarily and do not touch or rub it as well. 

After a couple of days, your surgeon will allow you to wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Sometimes, the clinic provides shampoo to wash hair after the surgery. Use this shampoo and rinse gently to avoid any damage to the treated area. Dry your wet hair with the help of a soft towel and do not rub the towel to keep the hair follicles safe. 

Sleeping after the surgery:

Sleep normally after the treatment since there are no special restrictions. However, you have to be aware of your movements while you are sleeping on the bed. 

Experts recommend that you should elevate your head while you sleep for the first 3 or 4 days. This position will reduce the flow of blood to the head. Therefore, you will reduce the chances of swelling in the forehead area at the same time. 

Make sure that everything like the bed sheet or pillow cover should be clean since these things come in contact with the treated area. 

Your addictions and recovery time:

It is better that you control your desire to take alcohol after the surgery for at least 2 weeks. If you take alcohol, it will dehydrate your body and affect the flow of blood in the scalp as well. Altogether, it will hinder the normal healing process in the transplanted area. 

Just like alcohol, you have to stay away from nicotine as well to ensure proper healing after the surgery. 

Going outside after the surgery: 

You must avoid sun exposure for the first weeks to a full month to keep your scalp safe. Sunlight and UV rays are not favorable for your scalp and transplanted hair. Moreover, sunlight will promote sweating on the scalp which will irritate your scalp. 

Need more information?

Are you interested in a hair transplant and want to know more about the issues like hair transplant cost in Hindi? You may visit the Marmm Klinik to enhance your information.  



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