The Most Important Facts About Hair Transplant Surgery

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A large area of your scalp may become bald if you do not do something to prevent hair loss. Hair loss is a temporary issue if your genes are not involved. If your genes and hormones are also playing their roles, genetic hair loss will take place as a result. A hair transplant in Indore is the best solution to cure male pattern baldness or genetic hair loss. 

In this treatment, the surgeon will remove healthy hair from the back and both sides of the head and transplant them into the bald region. 

To have hair transplant surgery effectively, you need to consider several factors. Consideration of these factors is not possible without proper knowledge. 

In this blog, we will improve your knowledge about hair transplants with the help of the following common facts:

Have a look! 

Hair transplant is surgical:

 However, this treatment is different from other surgical procedures but we will call it a surgical procedure. This procedure involves the removal and insertion of healthy hairs. This surgery is an outpatient procedure. Therefore, you may leave the clinic on the same day. 

A hair transplant is a permanent cure for baldness:

In fact, the hairs that grow on both sides and back of the head are baldness-resistant. It means they are not affected because of male pattern baldness. When a surgeon transplants these hairs into the bald region of the scalp, they do not leave their stable nature and grow in the new region with full strength. 

The patient’s own head has the donor site:

As mentioned above, the surgeon removes healthy hair from the scalp of the patient. Actually, this is the only option the surgeon has since removing hairs from other persons is not possible. When you face hair loss, make your best efforts to keep your remaining hair healthy since you will need it for the treatment of hair loss. 

Hair transplant is performed with two common techniques:

The surgeons use two main techniques to perform hair transplant surgery. The first is a follicular unit transplant in which a strip of skin is used for the extraction of healthy hair. 

The second technique is follicular unit extraction. In this technique, the top hair doctor in Indore will remove hairs from the donor area directly. 

The surgeon will select a suitable technique for you according to your candidacy. 

You need a qualified doctor for the surgery:

Normally, general surgeons do not perform hair transplant surgery. A doctor needs a specialized degree in hair transplant or cosmetic surgery to be able to perform hair transplant surgery. It is better if you look at the experience of the surgeon as well. 

Post-operative care affects the results as well:

Your surgeon will provide certain instructions after the surgery. You have to follow these guidelines to get optimum hair growth in the treated area. Any mistake after the surgery will affect hair growth. 

To know more about matters like Hair transplant cost in Hindi you have to visit the Marmm Klinik. 



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