​What Do You Expect From Hair Transplant Surgery?

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Most hair loss patients are aware of the fact that hair transplant in Indore is a very effective treatment for genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness. 

You have made a good step if you have decided to get this treatment. 

Before you finally choose a hair loss clinic for the treatment of hair loss, read here about common expectations you may have while visiting the clinic. 

Initial days at the clinic

While you meet your top hair doctor in Indore, he will ask his questions about your health condition, medications, family history, etc. Moreover, the surgeon will perform some tests and checkups to reach the root cause of your problem. 

During the initial meetings, you may ask your questions about the clinic, doctor, and hair treatment techniques. 

If your surgeon is sure that you are facing genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness, he will determine the number of hair required to cover the bald area. 

Generally, hair transplant surgeons use any of the two hair transplant techniques called follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. 

In the first technique, the surgeon will remove a strip of skin to harvest hair grafts for the surgery. In the second technique, the surgeon will remove hair grafts from the back and sides directly. 

During the treatment

When you reach the clinic for the treatment, the surgeon will administer local or general anesthesia to make the treatment comfortable for you. In the next step, the surgeon is supposed to remove the hair from the donor area with the help of a follicular unit transplant or follicular unit extraction. 

The surgeon has to keep these hair follicular units safe with the help of a solution. 

Finally, the surgeon inserts the hair grafts into the recipient area. 

The hair transplant surgery is an outpatient procedure. It means you may leave the clinic on the same day. 

Always visit the clinic with a friend or family member because you would not be able to drive due to the effects of sedatives. 

Recovery period

The story is not finished here. Your surgeon will provide certain instructions to ensure a safe recovery period. 

Instructions may vary from clinic to clinic but the following instructions are common in most clinics:

Do not touch the treated area unnecessarily because of the risk of damage. 

Do not expose your skin to direct sunlight. If you have to go outside because of urgent work, wear a loose cap. 

Have a nutrient-rich diet to ensure proper nutrition for hair follicles. 

Avoid smoking and drinking because both habits hinder the process of healing and hair growth. 

Take your medicines regularly to handle side effects and ensure proper recovery. 

Sleep with an elevated head to minimize the chances of swelling. 

Finally, if you spend your time properly during the recovery period, you will observe good hair growth in the recipient area. 

If you are interested in affordable hair transplants, visit the Marmm Klinik to know about issues like hair transplant cost Hindi. The surgeons will guide you according to the condition of your scalp.   



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