Common Reasons For Hair Loss


Genetic hair loss is treated with the help of hair transplant in Indore. Genetic baldness is the most common type of hair loss. However, there are several reasons for hair loss. 

While getting proper treatment, a hair loss doctor has to think about various reasons that may cause hair loss. 

Hair loss is called alopecia in medical terms. Hair loss takes place in both men and women. Usual signs of hair loss are hair thinning, bald spots on the scalp, decreasing health of hair and receding hairline in the case of genetic baldness. 

Experts say that hair loss is an essential part of hair growth. However, increasing the quantity on your pillow should increase your tension. 

If you are facing hair loss, it is possible that the following reasons are responsible for your problem:

Genetic reasons:

As mentioned above, genetic baldness is the most common type of hair loss. It is hereditary and both genders suffer from this scalp issue. This scalp issue takes place at young age and progresses gradually with age. 

In males, hair loss starts in the temporal region and progresses by affecting the top of the scalp. 

Females face gradually thinning in the entire scalp. The hairline does not recede like males but the middle part gradually becomes wide. 

Hormonal reasons:

Hair loss may take place due to the fluctuation of hormonal levels. It may happen because of Thyroid problems, pregnancy, menopause, medical reasons, stress, and other reasons that may influence the hormonal secretion level. 


Hair loss occurs at every age since it is a normal part of hair growth. When we are older, cell regeneration is slower in all parts of the body, therefore, we have weaker organs of the body and a slower process of body systems. 

Similar reactions take place in hair as well. Therefore, hair loss usually takes place an older age.

Poor diet:

If you visit your top hair doctor in Indore, he will include the nutritional deficiency in the reasons that may cause hair loss. The health of hair depends on nutrients just like other body parts. Therefore, if you do not include nutrients like iron, protein, zinc, vitamins, and minerals in your diet, it is possible you face hair loss soon. 


We have mentioned while we talked about hormonal disturbance that stress is also a reason that may trigger hormonal disorders. Stress hormones are necessary when your body has to react in a risky situation. But, if you start to live with a stressful mind every time, stress hormones will influence the unnecessary activities of the body since the body system wants only necessary functions while facing a threat. Surely, hair growth is included in those unnecessary functions. Therefore, hair loss will be slower when you are highly stressed. 

Scalp infection:

Due to some reasons, fungus, bacteria, and yeast may grow over the scalp to cause infection. Scaling, redness, and bumps are some common signs of the presence of infection. An itchy and painful scalp is also a sign of infection. 

To know more about hair loss, visit the Marmm Klinik, a premier center for hair loss treatment at a reasonable hair transplant cost Hindi.  We are sure you will have a high-class hair treatment in the clinic. 



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