Why Should You Avoid Alcohol After Hair Transplant Surgery?

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Before we talk about the effects of alcohol on the surgery, it is essential to have a short discussion about the basics of hair transplant surgery. 

A trained and experienced hair transplant surgeon performs the surgery in a high-class and sterile hair clinic in Indore. 

During the surgery, the surgeon removes hairs from the back and sides of the patient’s head. In the next stage, the surgeon inserts these hairs into the bald scalp. 

The surgeon uses the hair from a certain area because only this area grows the baldness-resistant hairs. 

A well-qualified and skilled surgeon performs the steps of the surgery with utmost care and efficiency. 

After the surgery, you have to take care of your newly transplanted hairs with the help of your surgeon. 

Your surgeon prescribes proper medications to manage side effects that may occur after the hair transplant surgery. Moreover, the surgeon will instruct you to follow a certain lifestyle for a certain time. 

If you take care of your hair with proper medication and lifestyle, proper hair growth will take place in the recipient area within 6 to 12 months. 

The instructions given by the surgeon include that you must not have alcohol after the treatment. Even, you should not have wine before the treatment as well. 

Alcohol before the surgery 

Your hair specialist in Indore will advise clearly that you should not use alcohol before the surgery. It is necessary to promote healing and optimum results after the surgery. 

You should leave this habit for at least one week. In this period of time, your body will eliminate the alcohol that is present in your body. 

Not only alcohol but you must leave spicy food, garlic, caffeine, and multivitamins as well. 

Alcohol and these things prohibit the supply of blood to the scalp. 

Alcohol after the surgery

Like before the surgery, you must avoid wine after the surgery as well. The intake of alcohol after the surgery will slow down the process of hair growth. Moreover, it is possible you face complications related to hair growth due to this bad habit. 

It is better you leave alcohol for at least 10 days after the surgery. It will be the best approach if you leave alcohol forever. 

Common effects of alcohol on hair transplant surgery

Alcohol is a blood-thinner. Therefore, consuming alcohol will increase the chances of bleeding. 

According to the experts, alcohol will cause swelling of the head. 

Alcohol makes the body dehydrated. It means our kidneys will make more urine to make the skin drier. 

As you see, consumption of alcohol is known to cause negative effects on hair growth after hair transplant surgery. Therefore, it is better you leave this habit if you want proper results at the end of the surgery. 

If you are looking for the best hair transplant clinic in Indore, visit the Marmm Klinik and fix an initial meeting with its qualified and experienced surgeons. 



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