How Many Grafts Do You Require For Hair Transplant Surgery?

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This is the most common question patients ask when they sit with the hair specialist in Indore for the first time. 

This question is very important since the number of hair grafts should be the central idea in every discussion about hair transplant surgery. 

In fact, a surgeon would not give a definite answer since the number of hair grafts depends on various factors. 

Let us talk about these factors to get the correct answer. 

What are hair grafts?

During the surgery, the hair transplant surgery will borrow hairs from the back and both sides to transplant them into the bald area of the scalp. He selects only this area of the scalp since only this region grows baldness-resistant hairs. 

Normally, hair grows in groups of a single hair or multiple hair strands. A follicular unit may have 1 to four hairs and this unit is called a hair graft. The surgeon usually removes hair grafts from the donor area and transplants them into the bald region. 

How many hair grafts a surgeon may transplant in a single session?

The number of removed hair grafts in a single session depends on the condition of your scalp, the skills of the surgeon, and the traits of your donor's hairs. Generally, a surgeon removes more grafts during the strip surgery in comparison with the FUE hair transplant technique. 

When you visit a hair clinic in Indore, the surgeon will assess your donor area to determine the best technique for you. He will treat your scalp with the help of either FUT or FUE technique. So, the number of borrowed hair grafts in a single session depends on the technique. 

How many grafts do patients need for the surgery?

The following factors will determine the number of hair grafts you need for hair transplant surgery. 

The size of the bald area:

If you are getting surgery to cover a large area of the scalp, it is natural that you have to pay a higher cost. Similarly, the overall cost of the surgery will be decreased if only a small area is balding. 

Quality of donor's hair:

Your surgeon has to consider the quality of the hair grafts before he determines the quantity. If your hair grafts are dense and thick, it is possible your surgeon decreases the number of required hair grafts. 

The patient’s budget:

You can talk about your budget while you have a meeting with your surgeon. Suppose your budget is limited. Your surgeon may perform the surgery only for select areas. You can prefer the area that you want to cover. For example, you may have surgery for restoring just your hairline or crown area. 

As you see, telling the exact number of hair grafts is not possible when you visit the best hair transplant clinic in Indore. Your surgeon will check your scalp and determine the technique. After that, he will be able to tell you about the number of hair grafts. 



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