Your Options For The Treatment Of Male Pattern Baldness

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If you are facing hair loss, it is confirmed that only a reliable hair clinic in Indore will assist you to get proper treatment. If your hair loss is genetic, home remedies and hair products are not going to treat this scalp issue. Genetic baldness or male pattern hair loss is responsible to shrink and kill hair follicles forever. You should note that traditional approaches are unable to bring hairs back to the scalp. 

Therefore, if you want a good solution of genetic hair loss, you have to visit a hair loss clinic. There, your expert will tell you about possible options to treat your hair loss. 

Nowadays, hair loss experts use mostly three approaches to treat hair loss. 

These approaches are medicines, non-surgical treatments, and surgical treatment. 

Non-surgical treatment of hair loss

If you are at the early stages of hair loss, it is possible to prevent further effects with the help of medicines. Medicines may slow down the process of baldness and they will also improve the overall rate of hair growth. 

To keep the results stable for a long time, the patient needs to use the medicines regularly. Suppose the patient stops using the medicine, and the previous condition of the scalp will take place again. The most common examples of medicines for hair loss are Monoxide and Finasteride. 

Nonsurgical treatments for hair loss 

PRP is the most common example of nonsurgical treatment. If it is just the start of hair loss and you still have many hairs on the scalp, your hair specialist in Indore may use this treatment to rejuvenate your hair follicles. 

In this treatment, the expert extracts PRP or platelet-rich plasma from your own blood. To extract PRP, the expert draws some drops of blood from your arm and spins it in a centrifuge. This machine separates the components of blood and the expert collects PRP in a separate test tube. Later he is supposed to make PRP injections to inject into the scalp of the patient. 

According to experts, growth factors of PRP promote healing and hair growth in the treated area. 

Surgical treatment for hair loss 

If a large area of your scalp is totally bald, using home remedies, hair products, medicines or non-surgical treatments will have limited effects to bring the hair back. 

Thus, hair loss experts use a totally different approach to treat male pattern baldness. They use hair transplant surgery. 

In this surgical treatment, the hair loss surgeon pulls out healthy and baldness-resistant hairs from the back and sides. In the next step, the surgeon transplants these hairs into the bald scalp. 

Since the hairs are baldness resistant, they grow in the transplanted area forever after the treatment. 

If you want a high-class treatment for your hair loss, you may come to the best hair transplant clinic in Indore called the Marmm Klinik. This clinic will use an appropriate approach for hair loss treatment according to your candidacy and expectations. 



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