What Should Be Your Diet After Hair Transplant Surgery?

Your hair loss experts will advise you to have hair transplant surgery if you visit a hair clinic in Indore to treat your male pattern baldness. Indeed, hair transplant surgery is an effective treatment. In this treatment, your own hair works as a donor's hair. The surgeon will remove donor hairs from the back and both sides during the surgery. In the next step, the surgeon will insert these healthy hairs into the bald scalp. 

Your hair transplant surgery will include several phases, such as consultation, diagnosis, surgery, and aftercare. Every phase of the surgery is important to ensure proper results. 

After the surgery, the recovery period is crucial to determine the level of success. If you ensure proper aftercare, optimum hair growth will take place in the treated area. 

After the surgical treatment, your hair specialist in Indore will tell you about the proper diet. In fact, a proper diet is essential for your hair just like other organs of the body. 

Therefore, the growth of transplanted hair will depend on your food after the surgery as well. 

Make sure that your hair does not suffer from nutrient deficiency after the surgery. 

If you take a proper meal, you may expect to see proper growth in the recipient area after at least 6 months. To see full growth, you have to wait for 12 months. 

Healthy food after the surgery will not only ensure proper hair growth but also fasten the speed of recovery. If you provide proper nutrition to your body and hair, your scalp will heal at a faster rate. 

After hair transplant surgery, you have to include the following nutrition in your diet:


Your hair is made up of protein. Then, you need to include protein in your diet to promote the growth of hair in the transplanted areas. Some common sources of protein are chicken, fish, eggs, milk, pulses, cheese, and raw nuts. 


Fatty acids are important to promote healing in the treated area. Foods rich in Omega-3 are flaxseeds, mackerel, herring, and salmon. 


Iron is important for hair texture and the flow of oxygen. Green leafy vegetables have a large amount of iron. Thus, include these food items in your diet. 


Zinc is also an essential nutritional item for your food. It is important in building healthy cells. It also balances the hormones to provide healthy hair growth. 

As you see, there are different sources of food that you must include in your diet to ensure hair growth. On the other hand, you have to need some eatables as well. 

These eatables and drinkables include the following food items:


If you drink wine, you have to stop it before and after the surgery. Control the intake of alcohol for at least two weeks. Wine may harm your scalp and newly transplanted hairs after the surgery. 


It is better if you do not drink coffee after the surgery. You may resume after your surgeon allows you to do so. 

Junk foods:

Processed food has no nutrients. Therefore, it is advisable to sway away from these food items. 

If you want to have proper results after the surgery, choose Marmm which is the best hair transplant clinic in Indore. Visit the clinic for both diagnosis and treatment. 



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