What Should You Know About PRR Hair Treatment?

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Hair loss is a serious scalp issue. It can be temporary or permanent. Temporary hair loss takes place due to several reasons including stress, poor diet, hairstyles, medications for a certain disease, injection of the scalp, and seasonal effects. Permanent hair loss or male pattern occurs due to genetic and hormonal reasons. If you are a hair loss patient, you may get the best hair loss treatment in Indore with the help of a capable hair loss doctor. 

In this blog, we are going to mainly talk about PRP hair loss treatment. This treatment option is quite popular and a lot of patients want this treatment due to its positive results.

What is PRP?

PRP or Platelet-rich plasma treatment is an effective method to restore the health of hairs. This treatment is performed with the help of PRP or platelet-rich plasma that is extracted from the patient’s own body. 

Our blood has components like red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Platelet-rich plasma is a solution of plasma and platelets and it does not have white and red blood cells. 

The procedure of PRP treatment 

In this treatment, the expert extracts blood from the body of the patient. The experts take nearly 7-30ml of blood from the body. 

In the next step, the expert is supposed to spin the blood sample with the help of a centrifuge machine. This machine will separate the components of the blood sample. 

This solution creates three layers called platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. The expert collects platelet-rich plasma in a separate test tube and leaves other components of the blood sample. 

After that, the expert injects PRP into the scalp of the patient to get optimum results. 

Who is a good candidate for PRP?

If you need hair treatment in Indore with PRP, the experts have to check your candidacy. 

You may have the treatment under the following conditions:

      This is just the start of the male pattern of baldness. 

      You are experiencing severe hair thinning.

      You are too young and cannot have hair transplant surgery. 

      You do not smoke or drink. 

      Your body does not have any chronic diseases. 

      The platelet count in your body is at the correct level. 

What is the recovery time after PRP treatment?

After any surgical procedure, you will need some time to recover. PRP is not a surgical treatment. So, you do not need any recovery time after the treatment. 

You may resume your daily activities soon after the treatment. It is possible you experience redness or inflammation in the treated area but these side effects will go away within a couple of days. 

Benefits of PRP hair treatment

PRP offers the following advantages:

      Increases the density of hair 

      Improves hair texture 

      Promotes hair growth 

      PRP is a risk-free and simple treatment 

      Less recovery period 

As you see, PRP is the best treatment for hair loss. If you want to get the treatment under the supervision of capable doctors, visit the best hair transplant clinic in Indore called Marmm Klinik. This clinic is extremely popular in the field of hair restoration with both surgical and non-surgical treatments. 



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