How Hair Loss In Men Affects Mental Health

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hair loss patients usually do not experience pain or discomfort in the affected area. However, this condition can be quite disturbing because hair is the main part of the face of a man or woman. According to hair loss experts, there are obvious psychological effects of hair loss in both genders. Therefore, it is mandatory that you see a Top hair doctor in Indore if you are facing the signs of hair loss. 

What is hair loss?

Hair fall is a normal process of hair growth. Sometimes, the rate of hair fall is higher than the rate of hair growth. This condition is called hair loss. At the severest level of hair loss, hair growth is stopped completely and a large area of the scalp becomes bald. 

Hair loss is certainly a disease but it occurs without causing any physical symptoms. This health issue comes silently and removes hair follicles from the scalp. 

However, a number of psychological disorders are related to hair loss. It is natural that a hair loss patient is unhappy with the condition of their scalp. Thus, they may face psychological disorders like depression, anxiety, low self-confidence, etc. 

Primary reasons for psychological disorders due to hair loss are explained below:

First of all, hair loss patients may have the fear of insult in social situations. Therefore, they develop a tendency of living alone. Social phobia is a common symptom of hair loss-related psychological disorders. 

Moreover, hair loss patients feel stressed. They are self-conscious and wish to avoid the conditions in which they have to mingle with others. All these signs are enough to kill the self-confidence 

Feeling of worry, lack of interest and depression are also associated with hair loss. 

Treatment options for psychological disorders

Psychological experts may help the patients to develop a realistic approach. After the sessions of counseling, patients learn to accept themselves as they are.  

Moreover, It is possible that the experts suggest treatments like wigs to hide the scalp. 

If hairs are still present on the scalp, treatments like PRP hair loss treatment in Indore are used to improve the health of hair follicles. 

When the condition of the scalp is improved, patients feel satisfied and happy from the inside. Thus, their confidence is boosted naturally. 

If the scalp of the patient is totally bald, a surgical treatment called hair transplant is performed to treat the problem permanently. In this treatment, healthy hairs are removed from the back and both sides and transplanted into the bald scalp. 

Feeling depressed is a normal condition after hair loss. Therefore, it is the best idea if the bald scalp is restored forever. It is surely possible with the help of hair transplant surgery. 

Finally, if you want a permanent solution for male pattern baldness or genetic hair loss, visit the Marmm Klinik which is a premier place for hair loss treatment. The Marmm Klinik provides treatment at a reasonable hair transplant cost Hindi. If you feel anxious or depressed due to hair loss, you have to visit the clinic as soon as possible. 



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