​Do You Want Hair Loss Control Treatment With PRP Therapy?

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Sometimes it happens that patients are unable to detect the real problem when they face hair loss. In this condition, only the best hair transplant surgeon in Indore may assist the patients to provide a proper diagnosis. 

In fact, proper diagnosis is important because the next steps of hair loss treatment depending on correct findings. 

Your surgeon will check your scalp to determine your candidacy for the treatment as well. 

If you are facing temporary hair loss, you do not need surgical treatment. It is possible to get good results with the help of treatments like PRP or platelet-rich plasma. 

This treatment is not only effective for temporary hair loss but it is important for permanent hair loss or male pattern baldness... 

What is PRP?

PRP or PRP hair loss treatment in Indore is performed with the help of the patient’s own blood. According to the experts, PRP has certain growth factors. These growth factors heal the scalp and promote hair growth. 

What is the procedure of PRP?

While you visit the PRP clinic for treatment of hair loss, the experts will draw your own blood from your arm. After this step, the experts will place the blood sample into a centrifuge to spin it quickly. This process will separate the components of blood and will make three layers called platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. 

The doctor will collect PRP or platelet plasma in a separate test tube and make special PRP injections. As you may assume, these injections are injected into the affected areas of the scalp. 

How is PRP beneficial for hair loss patients?

PRP injections are effective for both men and women. Both genders may get proper benefits from PRP treatment. 

PRP treatment is suitable for the initial stage of male pattern baldness. It is mainly used to control hair loss due to temporary reasons. 

What should you do before and after the treatment?

If you want proper results, you have to be ready before the treatment. Wash your hair with the help of shampoo and you can condition your hair as well. Have a healthy diet and drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. 

After the treatment, you may resume your daily activities soon. PRP injections are not like a surgical procedure. Thus, they are not going to disturb your daily routine. 

You may wash your hair normally. However, you have to be cautious if the site is painful and irritated. 

What should you not do before and after the treatment?

Do not use any hair product before the treatment. Moreover, it is better if you leave smoking and drinking because these habits will negatively affect your results. Do not use hair color for at least 72 hours after the PRP injections. 

Final words 

PRP hair treatment is an effective procedure for hair loss. However, you have to visit only a reliable clinic to get optimum results. 

As a surprising fact, PRP is used with hair transplant Indore as well. Hair transplant surgeons use this treatment to enhance the results of hair transplant surgery. So, you can always talk to your surgeon about your treatment options while you visit the clinic. 



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