Here Are Some Possible Treatment Options For Hair Loss

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If you are facing genetic hair loss, you need proper hair treatment in Indore with the help of a capable and experienced hair doctor. Your doctor will tell you about your options as a hair loss patient. 

Actually, hair loss has several types and there are different reasons that cause this scalp issue. Therefore, proper diagnosis is a vital part of the treatment process. 

Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. Temporary hair loss occurs due to several reasons like poor diet, stress, certain medications, improper hair care, etc. permanent hair loss or male pattern baldness occurs due to genetic and hormonal reasons.

How to see your doctor?

If you have a family doctor, he may check your scalp initially. If he thinks that symptoms show the occurrence of hair loss, he may suggest a hair loss clinic. 

If you do not have a family doctor, you can directly visit a hair loss clinic. You can browse the websites of hair loss clinics to visit a reliable center for hair loss treatment in Indore

Once you have found a reliable hair loss clinic, you may talk to your doctor about your treatment options. 

These options usually include:


Your surgeon may prescribe medicines like Minoxidil or Finasteride if it is just the initial stage of hair loss. Hair loss surgeons sometimes wait for proper stabilization of hair loss progression. Thus, they prescribe medicines for a certain period. To keep the results sustained, you have to use the medicines regularly. Discontinuing the medicine will bring the previous condition of your scalp back. 

PRP hair loss treatment:

PRP treatment in Indore is a popular hair loss treatment. This treatment is useful for both temporary and permanent hair loss. You can use this treatment for the initial stage of genetic baldness since it works on only existing hairs. 

In PRP treatment, the expert draws a pre-decided quantity of blood from the arm of the patient. This blood sample is spun in a centrifuge with the aim of separating all the components of the blood. 

The expert has an interest in PRP or platelet-rich plasma. He collects the PRP in a test tube to make injections. These injections are injected into the scalp of the patient. 

Hair transplant surgery:

Hair transplant surgery is the only available solution for a totally bald scalp. Different treatments may rejuvenate existing hairs but once the hair follicles are damaged, it is not possible to bring them back. 

Male pattern baldness does not affect the hairs that grow in the back and both sides. Hair transplant surgeons remove these hairs with the help of advanced techniques and transplant them into the bald scalp. 

Since the transplanted hairs are resistant to the male pattern baldness, they grow in the transplanted area for a long time. 

If you are looking for the best hair transplant clinic in Indore, you may visit the Marmm Klinik for proper diagnosis and treatment. 





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