​What Causes Sudden Hair Loss?

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The most common type of hair loss is genetic hair loss. Generally, doctors treat this scalp issue with the help of a hair transplant, permanent hair treatment in Indore

However, if you are facing hair loss, it does not mean it is male pattern baldness. There are a lot of other reasons that cause hair loss. Sometimes, hair loss takes place steadily and sometimes sudden hair loss may surprise you with its occurrence. 

Suddenly hair loss will show a significant increase in the hair you find on your pillow or comb. 

If you are one of those who are facing sudden hair loss, you have to read the following list of some possible reasons:


If you feel extremely stressed nowadays, it is possible you experience hair loss in near future. Psychological stress is one of the most common reasons for hair loss. Sometimes, mental stress takes place due to an unfortunate incident like the death of a relative or friend, failure in an interview, and financial loss. This type of hair loss is temporary. 

Major physical trauma:

Your body may respond in the form of hair loss after an event like surgery. This type of hair loss is temporary and does not need any treatment. 

Infection in the scalp:

Hair loss may occur like an aftereffect while your scalp experiences infection. Infection of the scalp takes place due to bacteria, fungi, and yeast and you see bumps, pus, and redness as danger signs. 


If you are taking medicines for disease and experiencing hair loss as well, it is possible the medicine is the root cause of your hair loss. As you may observe, hair loss will go away if you stop taking your medicine after talking with your doctor. 

Poor diet:

If you mostly include junk food in your meal, your hair will start to fall due to poor nutrition. Sometimes, people have a “crash diet” and face hair loss due to poor nutrition. 

Excess to hair products:

It is OK to use hair products but if you are obsessed with these hair products, harsh chemicals may affect the health of your hair. Thus, use hair products occasionally and use them only with the help of a hair doctor in Indore

Treatment of sudden hair loss 

Generally, no treatment is needed for temporary hair loss. The condition of the scalp improves while you eliminate the reason. For example, to treat stress-related hair loss, you have to change your lifestyle to reduce the level of stress. 

If you are facing severe hair loss, it is possible for your doctor to prescribe some medicines to stop further hair loss. Procedures like PRP treatment in Indore also work efficiently for temporary hair loss. 

If you are looking for proper treatment for temporary or permanent hair loss, you are welcome to visit the Marmm Klinik where you may get proper treatment according to the type of hair loss. 





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