Treatments For Hair Loss That May Actually Work

Do you want to do something about your hair loss? To get a proper hair loss treatment in Indore, you have to visit a reliable hair loss clinic. Actually, correct diagnosis is the root of effective treatment. 

However, you may have a plan to apply some hair products and home remedies but this approach is useless if you do not about the root cause of hair loss. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent and treatment depends on the nature of hair loss. 

Thus, by visiting the clinic, you will familiar with the type of hair loss. After that, your doctor will provide further assistance to you in the form of a suitable treatment for hair loss. 

Let us look at some common approaches:


This medicine comes in the form of a foam or liquid that the patients apply to their scalp. Your re-grown hair will be lost if you discontinue using this medicine. 


This medicine is available in the form of oral medication. Just like the previous medicine, you have to take it regularly to sustain the results. 

Low-level laser therapy:

In this hair treatment in Indore, a low-level beam of laser light is thrown to the target area to promote hair growth. This treatment has shown its effects in the case of alopecia areata, male pattern baldness, hair loss because of chemotherapy. 

PRP hair treatment:

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is an effective treatment for both temporary and permanent hair loss. This treatment is performed with the help of the patient’s own blood. Blood is usually obtained from the arm of the patient and spun in a centrifuge to get PRP. PRP hair loss treatment in Indore promotes hair re-growth and healing in affected areas of the scalp. Usually, experts make PRP injections that are finally injected into the affected areas of the scalp. 

Hair transplant surgery:

Actually, hair transplants do not bring your hair back to your scalp. This is a surgical procedure in which the hair loss surgeon removes healthy hairs from the back and sides of the scalp and transplants these hairs into the bald areas of the scalp. 

According to the experts, transplanted hairs are baldness-resistant. Therefore, they grow in bald regions with full strength for a long time. 

What should you do for better hair loss treatment?

First of all, you have to visit a reliable clinic as soon as possible. If you visit the clinic at the correct time, the expert will start the treatment earlier to restore your bald scalp. 

The approach before the treatment depends on your candidacy and expectations. 

If the male pattern in your case is not stabilized, it is possible your surgeon advise you to wait for some more years. In this period of time, you may have treatments like PRP and laser therapy. Moreover, do not apply multiple treatments at the same time. it can be risky for the patient. 





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