​How can I regrow lost hair?

Losing 50-100 hairs is a normal condition because it is part of the hair growth cycle. A healthy hair growth cycle constantly grows new hairs and the percentage of growing hair is greater than the percentage of fallen hairs. Sometimes, this condition is disturbed and hair fall becomes severer to cause hair loss. If hair loss is genetic, you must need the help of a hair doctor in Indore

Your thinning or broken hairs do not always indicate that you are going bald. 

If you are experiencing genetic hair loss, hair follicles will shrink gradually and they will stop growing hair completely in the next stages and your scalp will become totally bald. 

However, if hair loss is temporary, you can restore the health of your hair with proper hair treatment in Indore

The following signs will make it clear whether you are going bald or not:

If you have observed a receding hairline and signs of hair loss in the crown area, it is possible that your hair loss will make your scalp totally bald. 

Common reasons for hair loss 

Permanent hair loss occurs due to hormonal disturbance and genetic reasons. This scalp issue is responsible to kill the hair follicles and you will never observe new hair growth in your scalp. 

Temporary hair loss is due to several reasons like stress, poor diet, hair products, hairstyles, seasonal effects, and certain medication. This type of hair loss goes away if you eliminate the root cause and take proper medicine. Moreover, you have a full chance to improve the health of your hair because they still exist on the scalp. 

Treatment approaches for hair loss 

To treat your hair loss, you need to take the following steps:

Improve the quality of hair care:

The bad effects of hair loss will be minimized if you properly look after your hair. Have a proper diet because your hair needs nourishment just like other parts of the body. Moreover, use hair products cautiously because harsh chemicals used in these products may damage your hair permanently. Do not expose your hair to harsh weather conditions like sunlight and cold or hot air. 

Find out the root cause:

If you are facing severe hair loss, you have to detect the real problem. You can do it with the help of a certified hair loss doctor. He will check your scalp and provide proper treatment according to the type of hair loss. 

Get proper treatment:

There are different treatment approaches like medicines, PRP treatment in Indore, and hair transplant surgery to restore your bald scalp. If your scalp is experiencing male pattern baldness, the only solution for this condition is hair transplant surgery. This surgery does not grow the hair again but transfers healthy hairs from one place to the other. PRP hair loss treatment works well for existing hairs but it has limited effects on a totally bald scalp. Medicines are just used to stop further hair loss for a limited period. 

You do not need to worry about the treatment approach since your doctor will choose the correct treatment for you. 







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