Can Smoking Cause Baldness?

Hair loss is a serious scalp issue that occurs due to genetic and hormonal reasons. Moreover, other reasons like stress, seasonal changes, poor hair care, and improper diet also cause serious hair loss. 

Hair transplant surgery is an effective procedure for genetic hair loss. If you are facing genetic hair loss, get this surgical treatment without thinking about hair transplant price in Indore because proper treatment for hair loss is necessary before it becomes a worrisome issue. 

Moreover, before proper treatment, diagnosis has an important role to play as well because there are several reasons to cause hair loss. 

In this blog, we will talk about the relationship between smoking and hair loss. Several experts and hair loss patients think that smoking may cause hair loss. 

Let us find out the truth!

There are various health issues that are linked to smoking, such as lung cancer, asthma, and other respiratory diseases but not all people know that hair loss can be the result of smoking as well. 

How does smoking cause hair loss?

There are different researches that create a link between the habit of smoking and hair loss. According to experts, smoking may cause oxidative stress. Moreover, it is also responsible for decreased blood flow in the hair and scalp. Both these conditions are favorable for hair loss. 

Oxidative stress takes place in the body when your body experiences an excessive amount of free radical activity. Free radicals are molecules that may react to other molecules in your body to damage the DNA of your cells. 

Decreased blood flow will hinder the process of supply of nutrients to the hair roots. Thus, it is natural that the patient will face hair loss soon. 

Smoking and poor results after hair transplant surgery 

Interestingly, top hair doctor in Indore will advise you to quit smoking before and after hair transplant surgery because of the risk of hindered results. Smoking will affect the flow of blood into the scalp. Thus, growth of hair will not take place properly in the treated area after the surgery. Similarly, drinking is also not allowed before and after the surgery. 

Treatment of hair loss

Before the treatment, the hair loss will check your scalp for the root cause. If it is found that your hair loss is related to smoking, you have to stop smoking at once if you want to cure hair loss. 

After you quit smoking, it is possible your condition improves within a couple of weeks. Moreover, your doctor will prescribe certain medications as well to ensure proper hair growth. Moreover, a proper diet plan will also help you to overcome the situation. 

If you are looking for the best hair loss clinic for the treatment of hair loss, you may visit the Marmm Klinik. This hair loss center provides a reasonable hair transplant cost Indore and the treatment plan is based on the correct diagnosis that is done by trained and experienced doctors. 




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