​Effective Hair Loss Treatments For Hair Loss

Pattern hair loss is a progressive disease that follows a specific pattern. This pattern is different in men and women. Male patients face hair loss in the hairline, temporal region, and crown area but women have hairline in the entire scalp. Therefore, the approach for hair treatment in Indore is not similar in both genders. 

Hair grows in the scalp by following a cycle of hair fall and hair growth. This cycle is disturbed due to several reasons like hair products, hairstyles, chronic illness, medications for certain diseases, seasonal changes, genetic reasons, and hormonal disturbance. 

Due to the disturbed hair growth cycle, hair fall takes place but new hair growth is not observed in a larger area of the scalp. Therefore, men often see total baldness of the scalp. Women face diffuse hair thinning but they rarely go bald. 

Available treatments for hair loss 

While you visit the hair loss clinic for proper hair loss treatment in Indore, the expert is supposed to provide multiple approaches for treating hair loss.

These treatments include cosmetic approaches, such as wigs and hairpieces. These treatments are actually temporary fixes and they do not make you happy from the inside. 

To show significant results, hair loss experts use the following treatment approaches:


Minoxidil is a lotion that is applied to the scalp in the morning and night to show favorable results. This medicine promotes hair re-growth in the affected scalp. Finasteride or Propecia is also an effective medicine for hair loss in men. This medicine will decrease the rate of hair loss in most hair loss patients. 

Medicines are effective for hair loss in women since they are not effective candidates for hair loss. 

Platelet Rich Plasma treatment 

PRP hair loss treatment in Indore is also an effective procedure for pattern hair loss. PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is believed to have growth factors that are effective in the healing of tissues. The same treatment promotes hair growth in affected areas as well. 

Hair transplant surgery 

The only surgical option for the treatment of hair loss is a hair transplant. In this procedure, the patient’s own healthy hairs are removed from the donor region and transplanted into the recipient area. 

According to hair loss experts, the back and sides of the scalp grow baldness-resistant hairs. The experts choose the same hairs for the treatment. Therefore, this treatment yields permanent results after treatment. 


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