Do You Know PRP Really Regrows Hair?

You do not need to worry about hair fall since it is a normal sign of hair growth. Hair follicles constantly grow new hair when old hairs fall out. However, different reasons are responsible to disturb this cycle to cause hair loss that is a serious scalp issue to remove hairs from the scalp completely. If you are facing severe hair loss and hair thinning, you need proper hair treatment in Indore. Nowadays, experts recommend PRP hair loss treatment for hair loss and hair thinning. 

PRP is a non-surgical treatment that is minimally invasive in nature. However, to get proper results from the treatment, you need to get proper knowledge about all aspects of the procedure. 

In this blog, you may acquire the necessary information about PRP treatment. 

What is the procedure of PRP treatment?

To get the treatment, you have to find out a qualified and experienced PRP expert. After the expert is ready for the treatment, he will draw a sample of your blood from your arm. In the next step, the expert will keep this blood sample in a centrifuge machine to spin it quickly. The spinning process will separate all the components of blood. Usually, three layers are observed in the test tube called platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. 

As you may understand, the expert will collect platelet-rich plasma separately in a test tube. After that, PRP solution is collected into a syringe and injected into the affected areas. 

How do you get positive results?

PRP is indeed an effective treatment for hair loss. However, you need to consider certain factors before making a final decision. 

To get effective results after the surgery, you must not have any medical condition. Moreover, you have to stop your medicines if you are getting blood thinners. Furthermore, you have to leave smoking or drinking if you want proper results after the procedure. 

The results of the treatment will be more effective if you have a nutrient-rich diet that is full of vitamins, zinc, biotin, protein, and minerals. 

Benefits of PRP hair loss treatment

PRP hair loss treatment in Indore

How long do you benefit from PRP treatment?

PRP treatment is primarily discovered to enhance hair caliber and foster hair growth. However, it is your body’s healing capabilities that determine the time duration of the outcome. You can prolong the effectiveness of the treatment by taking good care of your body.

Although, you can benefit from the treatment for up to 12 months. You will still require repeated PRP treatment to maintain the effects of hair growth


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